Teresa de Ávila (1515-1582) was a 16th century Spanish nun and mystic. Known for her writings and convictions, she often found herself being opposed by the Catholic church for her relaxed nature at the time of the Protestant reformation and Spanish Inquisitions that swept through Spain. She was described as disobedient and stubborn…”; teaching while it was felt that women should not teach. Within her writings, she retained a large influence during her life and afterwards, becoming an integral part of Spanish Renaissance literature. In 1622, forty years after her death, she was canonized by Pope Gregory XV and is recognized as one of the patron saints of Spain.
Nada Te Turbe asks us to reflect and take assurance in a larger entity (spiritual or cosmic) that will assuage our troubles. There lies a sort of ‘casualness’ in the feel of the work – hypnotic in its rhythmic motives. The mantra-like text, rhythm, and melody convey a character who is sure their troubles are being cared for by a being or something mystical.
This work perfectly suits the needs Tenor/Bass ensembles. With a limited range, repetitive and captivating lines, choruses of little to great experience will enjoy studying and performing this work in tandem with the hypnotic vibe invoked by the percussion.
Nada Te Turbe
Nada te espante
Todo se pasa.
La paciencia todo lo alcanza
Quien a Dios tiene,
Nada le falta
Let nothing trouble you;
Let nothing frighten you
Everything changes
Through patience you will obtain everything
Whoever has God
Lacks nothing
Voicing: TBB, percussion
Premiered by Cantus (Non-Varsity TB ensemble, Richland HS), Andrew Steffen, director
Status: SBMP